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ConnectWise Manage - Contacts Integration
ConnectWise Manage - Contacts Integration

This feature will help to bring Contacts part to your report

Updated over 3 months ago

ConnectWise manage > System > Security Roles > SO user

Change: Companies - Contacts - Inquire level "All

Strategy Overview - Integrations --> Connect Wise- Contacts tab:

  1. Click "Enable Contacts Integration".

  2. Setup the filters to sync only needed contacts:

    1. Mapped companies (system will download only contacts from selected companies).

    2. Types - system will download only contacts with chosen types. You can leave it blank to sync all types.

    3. Status- system will download only contacts with chosen statuses. You can leave it blank to sync all statuses.

    4. System checkboxes - if you use custom checkboxes in ConnectWise manage you can use them as an additional filters here. Enable checkbox and then click the condition (true/ false),

      For example: you have a custom checkbox "Remote employee".
      If you want to sync all contacts except marked as "Remote employee" check the "Remote employee" with "False" mark.

      If you have too big Contacts list in your ConnectWise and you don't want to sync them all, we suggest you our best practice solution:

      1. Create a "SyncToSO" custom checkbox in ConnectWise manage:

        1. System - General Category, Custom Fields Table

        2. Contact details, + Custom fields.

        3. Field caption: SyncToSO, Field type - Checkbox, List View - Yes, Required - no.

        4. For mas-maitanance : check needed contacts in the List view, click Actions - Update custom field - CustomField = SyncToSO, Value = Mark Checkbox.

      2. Mark in your CW Manage PSA only contacts you want to sync (you can use mas-maintanance for it).

      3. Strategy overview will setup filter value "SyncToSO" as chosen by default.

    5. Fields to Download -you can check what additional columns you want to sync from CW. By default we download only following fields:

      1. Contact record ID

      2. Email

      3. First name

      4. Last name

      5. Site

      6. Status

      7. Type
        If you want to sync more data (address, title etc.) don't forget to mark it.

  3. Take a look at the Preview table - make sure everything is correct.

  4. Click "Import Contacts" to save filter settings and download the contacts.

  5. Now you must specify the template to add the Contacts tab.

    1. You can click "Contact Settings" near the Import Contacts" button OR

    2. You can click Settings - Contacts.

  6. Adjust Contacts table view for your report (Columns width, sort order, labels, mode checkboxes).
    You can access Contacts Column Settings

    1. Settings - Templates - Open Template - Contacts - Columns.

    2. Settings - Contacts - Open Template - Contacts - Columns.

    3. Report - Contacts tab - "Template settings" button.

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