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Hidden Grades and Groups
Updated over 2 months ago

Sometimes you will run into a question that is not relevant to your customer within the assessment. You can hide any question from Display / Presentation mode.

  1. Hide Items Group in the Assessment parts:

    Click the "eye" sign near the Group name in the Build mode.
    Now you see the "crossed eye" icon (click again to uncheck).
    Now all the group with all the content will be hidden from Display / Presentation / Print mode from Assessment part.

    Pay attention! If the group has an items with a budget values filled in, then the group and the children items will be visible in the Roadmap and the Budget section.

  2. Hide Items in the Assessment part.

    Use the "Hidden" grades to hide items from the Assessment part in the Display / Presentation / Print mode.

    To setup grades go to the Settings - Templates - Open Template - Parts - Assessment tab - Grades tab.
    You can uncheck "Display mode" to hide items with that grade:

    Pay attention! Even though the item is hidden from Assessment section in Display/Presentation, it still could be visible in the Roadmap and the Budget section.

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