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Configurations classes

Configuration /Assets classes can help you plan budget

Updated over a week ago

"Configuration classes" feature aims to help you to fill in reports faster.
In a two words, it's an ability to create a subtypes to your Configurations (Assets) types with predefined budget values.

To add Configurations classes follow our instructions:

1. Go to the Classes settings page:

Settings - Configurations - Classes Tab

2. Select Configuration Type in a drop-down filter

3. Use "Create Class" button to add the class

You can fill in only one section (One-time or Recurring budget) or both.

Class name will be shown in the report as a fast option to fill in the data.

System will use the "Total" value as a one-time budget in the report.

4 Click the class name in the report to fill in predefined budget values.


Note: If you decide to edit classes, please be aware that the system will not automatically update the budget of already selected classes in open reports. Users will need to manually change the budget or re-select the class.

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