1. Page description
The stack module shows common aggregated information from all the companies.
Only information from last complete report is taken (assessment part).
Manually added groups are not shown.
This feature allows you to quickly see the problem areas of serviced companies in a convenient visual form.
By clicking on one of the items, the user can see a more detailed breakdown of the indicator: from which companies the data is taken, what budgets are included etc.
2. Page visibility:
Page is visible for administrators and for some users depend of user settings (User settings - Modules)
You can user filters at the top to manage you data.
4. Content
Each row - the name of Assessment item group.
The first row is always “ALL”, the other can be changed (depends on templates, completed reports and custom user’s changes).
5. Item group row - expanded view
The item group row consists of 3 zones:
1st - Item group name - from template (If you change it in the template, the name will be changed in the module )
2nd - line chart - the system calculates the percentage of the frequency of the exposed grades
3rd - years and budgets (aggregated) system shows the plan years and plan budget according to the last completed reports.
4th - hidden content with pie charts - system shows the pie charts for every item from the group. The system builds a pie chart based on the weighted average number of marked grade values, similar to how a line chart is built above.
6. Click on pie-chart
By click on pie chart’s segments system opens the additional window (on the right) with detailed information about companies, which were included into selected groups: