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Report parts settings
Updated over a week ago

Our new parts engine is a flexible tool to create a report perfect customized to your vCIO processs.

You can edit parts in two ways

  1. Template Parts

    Go to the Settings>Templates>Open Template>Parts

  2. Report Parts

    Click "Report settings" at the top of open report:

Using our new parts engine you can:

  • Rename parts

  • Change parts icon

  • Change parts order

  • Configure default part content

  • Add new custom parts

  • Disable/enable parts for different modes

Apply changes only for one report or to all drafts.

How to apply changes:

System saves all changes and applies it to new reports.

To apply them to all drafts use "Apply changes to all drafts" button or "Apply to current report" button (available while editing parts from report).

Parts types

  1. Executive Summary

    Default text part for a brief 1-3 sentence recap of the total state of affairs with technology in a company.

  2. Assessment

    Default part with items, item grades, state, solution, budget etc.. All columns and items are according your template settings:
    Template - > Parts -> Assessment -> Assessment / Grade / Columns

  3. Assessment legend

    That default part shows Assessment Grade and Grade icon with Legend.

    You can change Legend text on Template - > Parts -> Assessment -> Grade

  4. Assets

    That part shows the assets (Configurations) which came from ConnectWise.

    You can make sure that your assets integration enabled on

    Settings -> Integrations -> Open integration -> Configurations

  5. Assets legend

    That default part shows Assets Grade and Grade icon with Legend.

    You can change Assets Grades and Grades Legend on
    Settings -> Configurations -> Grades

  6. Roadmap

    That default part shows the plan for future 5 year.
    System shows the Assets and Assessment Items, their status, solution and budget by quarters.
    You can turn ON/OFF the Assets or Assessment Items for Roadmap, change group options or apply filters under the Roadmap tab on the Report.

  7. Budget

    That default part shows the budget for future 5 year.
    System shows the Assets and Assessment Items, their status, solution and budget by quarters and months in a table view.
    You can turn ON/OFF the Assets or Assessment Items for Roadmap, change group options or apply filters under the Budget tab on the Report.

  8. Overview

    This is your Widgets Part, or Dashboard. You can read more about Overview here.

  9. Text part

    This is a custom part. It consists of text editor and internal notes area (notes are hidden from Display / Presentation mode).
    You can add as many text parts as you need.

  10. Cover Page

    This is a custom text part. It consists of text editor. You can use the commands to create one the same template for all clients, system will change content depend on report (see prompt near the text editor). You can read more about Cover Page here.
    You can add as many cover pages as you need.

  11. External Content

    This is a part for external content links (like Lucidchart, Google docs etc.).

    When you add this part on a template you can add the links for all your clients on one page, don/t need to open every report.

    You can add as many External Content parts as you need.
    Just won't forget to share access to your data, otherwise you'll be the only one who'll see the content.

  12. Embed Content

    This is a part for Embed content links (like BrightGauge, for example).

    When you add this part on a template you can add the links for all your clients on one page, the same as with External Content part - just paste your link across the Clients name.

    You can add as many Embed Content parts as you need.
    Just won't forget to share access to your data, otherwise you'll be the only one who'll see the content.

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