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Add companies
Updated over a week ago

  1. Check before start:

    1. You should have appropriate role to add new companies
      It could be Administrator or Manager.
      Quick check: go to the Settings - Users - Open User - Role.

      If there is not Admin / Manager or system doesn't let you to that page - sorry, you can not add new companies until you'll get the higher rights(

    2. Your subscription plan must allow you to add more companies
      Check it on Settings - Subscription Plan.

    3. You are not using the ConnectWise integration

      Otherwise you should add a new company in the CW first and then choose it in the integrations settings to sync (We recommend it as best practice).

  2. Click the option "Add company"

    1. On the Companies module, under the companies list.

    2. On the Strategy module, icon "+" under companies list.

  3. Fill in the "Add company" form

    1. Common information

      1. Name (required) - input the name
        It is very important to write the company name correctly, especially if you are going to use integration with ConnectWise later

      2. Website - you can enter data or skip this field

      3. Description - you can enter data or skip this field

      4. Start date (current by default), end date.
        Date format depends on Settings - General - Localization - Date format.

      5. Types (required) - dropdown checkbox with multi-select and “all” option.
        If there is no needed type in the list you can go to the settings - general - types and add a new type.

        It is very important to write the type name correctly, especially if you are going to use integration with ConnectWise later.

      6. Markets (required) - dropdown checkbox with multi-select and “all” option.
        If there is no needed market in the list you can go to the settings - general - markets and add a new market.

        It is very important to write the market name correctly, especially if you are going to use integration with ConnectWise later.

      7. Primary market (required) - dropdown checkbox with multi-select and “all” option Choose one of the marked above markets as a primary

      8. Groups - dropdown checkbox with multi-select and “all” option (template values).
        We use groups to differentiate user rights, keep this in mind

      9. Users - dropdown checkbox with multi-select and “all” option (template values, depends on selected groups)
        Choose the users whom you allow to see the company.

      10. Status (required) - dropdown, single value selection.

    2. Primary site

      1. Name (required)

      2. Country - dropdown, single value selection.

      3. State - dropdown, single value selection, depends on selected country.

      4. City - input field with tooltips ( tooltips depends on selected country,

      5. Postal Code

      6. Address Line 1

      7. Address Line 2

      8. Time Zone - dropdown, single value selection.

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