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Health score logic
Updated over 6 months ago

System uses health indicator in a few cases:

  • At first, we have a report health score, which is shown near the company name in the companies list and near the reports in the reports list.

  • Also the system calculates health for item groups in the assesment tab.

  • And finally, system calculates the health level by items within a given tag to build a widgets (Last report health and Progress chart widgets).

How to set up Health level calculation

Step 1 - Setup Grades

System counts health according to the Grades which the User fill in on the Assesment Tab.

The user can setup the grade on Settings - Templates - Open Template - Grades Tab.

There are two important settings:

  • Include in Health:

    The system skips unchecked values and does not take into account the item in the calculation

  • Healthy:

    The system includes these items in calculation with value = weight * 1

Step 2 - Setup items

Go to template and setup health weight for items.

You can only use 0-5 scores.

Step 3 - Put grades in the report

To see the result you should mark with a grade every item in the report.

By default every item wil be marked as “Question” and the Healthscore will be “0”.

How the system calculates the weighted average in report:

  • Items marked with a grade with the Healthy type are taken into account as 1 * Weight of the item.

  • Items marked with a grade with unchecked 'Healthy' value - are taken into account with zero value (weight is not important).

  • Items with an unmarked grade are skipped, not included in the calculation.

Health with weight - see excel example

In the widgets system uses the same approach but only uses the items with specified tags. System looking for items with selected tag in all groups.

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