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Release Notes

This is where we are documenting changes to the software and major updates.

Updated over 2 weeks ago

8.0.0 - 1/31/2025

  1. Arya AI Assistant on Assessment
    AI feature that can generate report content, set up grades, and fill in status, risk, and solution fields.

  2. Issue: Bookmark Redirect
    After re-login, the system redirects to the initial path from the bookmark instead of returning users to the main page.

  3. New filters Design - Part 1

    1. Applied on Plan Module.

    2. Applied on Flexible Items Module.

  4. Plan Module Enhancements

    1. Added an advanced menu for items.

    2. Removed the “Show more plans” feature from the Plan Module.

  5. Assessment Mass-Edit
    Bulk changes to assessment items are now supported.

  6. Clean Design Improvements

    1. Checkboxes are visible only on hover.

    1. Deeper shadows applied to assessment items.

    2. All scrollbars appear only on hover.

  7. New login Image

    1. For those who uses regular app domain (won't affect login image for custom domains).

  8. "Related Items" Enhancements

    1. Ability to edit columns for related items (Assessment - "Info" popup).

    2. Option to redirect to FI Group from the Info popup.

  9. Integration Enhancements

    1. Added default company group for import companies from PSA.

    2. Automatically connect assets to the default user’s template in the background (no confirmation popup).

    1. Automatically connect contacts to the default user’s template in the background (no confirmation popup).

    2. Sticky filters for “Import New Companies” to improve user experience and reduce clicks.

    3. Ability to quickly update subscriptions when encountering subscription limitations.

  10. Office Module Enhancements

    1. Added a new column "Authentication methods".

    2. Added a quick option to check logs from the Office Module.

  11. Default Data

    1. When loading default data, the system now renames “Test Company” to match the account’s company name.

7.3.0 - 11/22/2024

  1. Arya - AI bot
    Smart AI assistant in chat-widget who can answer any questions related to MSP sphere.

  2. Related field for Assessment Item

    1. Ability to setup connections between Template Assessment Item and Flexible Item group.

    2. Preview related content in Info popup for Assessment item on Report.

  3. Advanced User Permissions system on Plan

    Ability to add users to current plan.

  4. Plan Module new features:

    1. Duplicate plan item

    2. Change Plan User at the top

    3. Support of keyboard navigation

    4. Print Plan (Ctrl +P)

    5. Ability to edit plan table while item is opened.

    6. Plan item field length increased up to 150 symbols

  5. Plan Module on Report
    Added ability to add Plan Part into your Report, which linked to existing Plan.
    Plan part is live part, but with its own filters.

  6. "Internal part" checkbox
    Part marked with that property won't be shown to users with External roles

  7. Responsive mode for Plan Module
    Enhancements for using Plan on small devices (mobile, tablet)

  8. Enhancements for Assets sync logic

    1. better OSA assets sync logic.

    2. ITGlue configurations sync: system automatically syncs Configurations for newly mapped Companies.

  9. Enhancements for Flexible items module

    1. Added "Source" columns for Flexible items.

    2. Better logic for columns sort order - integrated columns go first, Strategy Overview columns goes last.

    3. Added Export to excel.

  10. Strategy report - header redesign
    More space in working area, more compact view of report header.

  11. Security attributes

    1. Added Security headers in requests.

    2. Enabled Subresource Integrity (SRI) attribute.

  12. Minor improvements

    1. Schedule - added detailed totals.

    2. Links validation became less strict.

    3. User page design changes.

    4. Site map widget - advanced search of address. Now system doesn't need State to find Site address and show it on Map

7.2.0 - 9/20/2024

  1. Office Integration

    1. Icons near the User name helps to open user page in Microsoft Admin Portal on click.

    2. Option "Export to excel" in Module.

  2. IT Glue Integration

    1. Configurations sync (Into Flexible assets Module / Part)

    2. Domains sync (Into Flexible assets Module / Part).

    3. SSLs sync (Into Flexible assets Module / Part).

  3. Plan Module

    1. "Image" column.

    2. "Checkbox" column.

    3. "Number" column

    4. "Link" column.

    5. Ability to change color for Plan icon.

    6. Plan items filters.

    7. Filters in Plans list.

    8. Ability to printer Plan using "Ctrl + P" keyboard combination.

    9. 1st row with column labels freezes when user scrolls down.

    10. Plan name is shown in Plan URL.

    11. User avatars in "Users" column.

    12. Option "Fast complete" is hidden from empty Plan lines.

  4. Flexible Items Module:

    1. Filters.

    2. Delete options for unmapped groups / items / columns.

    3. "Reset to default" option for groups columns.

    4. Ability to change group icon.

    5. Flexible Assets - Ability to filter by "Archived" property.

    6. "Checkbox" column.

    7. Option "Add item" added above the plan (in addition to ability to add in line).

    8. Added support for keyboard navigation on Plan.

    9. Added info popup with combinations for keyboard navigation.

    10. Rows numerator for lines.

    11. Different URLs for different Flexible Item groups.

    12. Flexible item part on report - enhanced design for Presentation mode (navigation by Flexible Item groups).

    13. Ability to select all fields in one click when select fields to sync in Flexible Assets Integration settings.

    14. Order of fields in Integration settings for each groups changed to order from IT Glue instead of Alphabetical.

  5. Contacts Part

    1. Save and transfer report filters on New version.

  6. Assessment part

    1. Improvements for smoother scroll.

    2. Search by "Ctrl +f" works again.

  7. Warranty updates service

    1. Sync back for Halo integration.

  8. Permissions logic

    1. improved logic for recently uploaded companies from PSA. Now not only Admin can view it, but also a Manager.

  9. General

    1. Resizable popups.

    2. New icons package.

    3. Module titles layout standardized.

7.1.0 - 7/18/2024

  1. Warranty Integration Engine expanded

    Now we also provide sync for Acer, Asus and HPE
    Note. For Acer system updates only USA serial numbers

  2. IT Glue Flexible Assets Integration:

    1. IT Glues Data - add Integration, Map companies, select Flexible assets to sync

    2. IT Glue Flexible Assets flow into the Flexible Items module

    3. IT Glue Flexible Items Report part

  3. Plan Module Enhancements:

    1. New column type for Plan module columns - Link Column

    2. Added indication of non-empty Item Description field on Plan

    3. Ability to change Plan Icons

    4. Ability to edit Plan column from column header

    5. Ability to drag columns in Plan Table

    6. Added support for keyboard combinations (1st stage)

    7. Added ability to complete items fast

  4. Office 365 Module Enhancements:

    1. Save columns, labels, order, width, filters in module per User

  5. General Application Enhancements:

    1. Added users avatars to fields with "Users" dropdowns

    2. Inactive users are hidden from Users dropdowns

    3. Added ability to drag manual Items on Assessment in Open report

    4. Added indentation between groups on Report Display / Presentation Mode

    5. Expanded Icons library to select by User

    6. For Users list added column "MFA status"

  6. Integrations Enhancements:

    1. Removed bi-directional sync logic. Now SO won't send new markets, statuses and company types to PSA. Sync priority is always on PSA side

    2. Import companies popup on PSA mapping step - added ability to search Company from PSA by name

  7. Tickets Module Enhancements:

    1. Ability to collapse / expand areas in Open ticket form

    2. Ability to View Ticket from Report Display / Presentation Mode on double-click

    3. Switcher "Show internal Notes" on Ticket form (unchecked by default when you open ticket form from Display / Presentation mode)

7.0.0 - 5/23/2024

  1. Tickets - Service Board Permissions
    Added ability to limit user access to Service Boards for Tickets module.

  2. Tickets - New Ticket button
    Added ability to input MSP service Email, which is used on the "New Ticket" fast option (shortcut with "Mail to").

  3. Plan module
    Added 1st version of Plan Template and Plan Module.

  4. Merge Office with Contacts
    Added ability to merge contacts list from PSA with User List from Office Integration.
    Advanced filters in Office part and Contacts Part has been developed.

  5. UI Changes
    New Login Wallpaper, New SO default logo.

6.6.0 - 3/17/2024

  1. Office 365 Integration

    Instructions to setup

  2. Added feature "Preview content during asset fields mapping"
    When you first time setup integration it may be very difficult to select fields you want to bring to SO from your PSA, especially if the come from RMM agent and you are not sure how they labeled on API. Now you can click little "eye" icon to see example of each field content on the fly.

  3. In the Assessment / Asset module, the "Quantity" field now supports negative values.
    This enhancement enables users to account for refunds in their budget planning by entering negative quantities.

  4. Edit item form on Asset and Assessment was redesigned
    New white design instead of green has been applied

  5. Error messages
    Error messages was redesigned. Logic for group errors has been added.

  6. "Tickets" part

    Users with "Tickets" Integration now can enable Tickets part it Template / Report.

  7. Changes for Assets widgets (Asset Chart, Asset Count)

    Asset Type field has been converted from single-slect to multi-select

  8. Checkboxes for mas-maintanance is saved
    If you mis click item using mas-maintanance feature you can return and proceed - all selected items will be checked.

  9. Ability to edit Asset Columns from template
    No need to choose asset columns in a separate menu - now user can adjust Asset part columns from template.

  10. Fast option to add part
    Plus icon for fast-adding part on report has been added.

  11. Settings - Integration - Connection - "Instructions button"
    Added links to Knowledgebase instructions

  12. Edit sources for Dropdown column from report

    Added ability to edit option for Dropdown column: Assessment part - columns - click on Dropdown column - Edit.

  13. Bugs fixed:

    1. Recurring Items doesn't fall into a budget in a certain cases

    2. Ticket link to PSA Ticket has been hidden from users with External roles

    3. Integration issues with Halo setup has been fixed
      and other.

6.5.0 - 2/17/2024

  1. Angular new version (v16.0)
    Major upgrade of front end Angular to v16

  2. .Net updated to new version (v8)
    Major upgrade of backend to .net v8

  3. Report - External content parts
    If system can't open external content internally due to source limitations, then option "Open in a new tab" appears

  4. Create multiple reports background process
    This is long running process on backend, moved to sockets (execution on the background, user can leave the page and process will keep running)

  5. Widgets

    1. Drilldowns: Added filters for drilldown data

    2. Asset chart: Added ability to setup widget by asset status

  6. Integration - logs
    Now logs show when sync was scheduled, when sync started and when finished (with time)

  7. Report - "User" field
    Field converted from text input to a dropdown single-select

  8. New column type for Assessment custom column - Dropdown
    New column can be added via template for Assessment columns

  9. Schedule
    Changes in "completed" value count:

    1. System includes completed reports in Count within the quarter even when month doesn't match to target month

    2. System counts Report only once per month

6.4.0 - 12/29/2023

  1. Advanced logic for Warranty Updates
    Bug fixes and enhanced asset update logic.

  2. Multiple Dashboard parts
    Added ability to create any number of Dashboard ("Overview") parts on Template or on current report.

  3. Template Tags Library
    Tags are shown in Template now:
    Settings --> Templates --> Open Template --> Parts --> Assessment --> Tags.
    It is easier to select tags for items on "Edit item" form.

  4. Password requirements & Show / hide password option
    When user creates an account or resets the password system shows the password requirements.
    User can check inputted password using "eye" option.

  5. Schedule refinements
    Little changes in Alignments and Total counters formula.

  6. Responsive mode enhancements
    "User info" popup redesigned for responsive resolution.

  7. Assessment enhancements

    1. Display / Presentation Report modes - UI improvements in Filters popup.

    2. Character limit for Assessment text columns "Risk", "Status", "Solution" etc. increased from 700 to 1500 characters.

    3. Assessment / Asset part Column settings: Added option "Reset column settings"

  8. Halo PSA Integration.
    Halo Contacts sync from PSA.
    Fast options (redirect to PSA) "New tickets", "New contact" from report.

  9. ConnectWise Tickets Integration

    1. Default status filter (exclude closed tickets).

    2. Toggle "Open / closed" has been added.

    3. Filter by Age has been added with predefined ranges.

    4. Enhanced logic for "Status" filter: when board is selected then system shows only statuses related to this board.

    5. "Time entries" inputted with "Note" flag flows into Ticket Notes List.

  10. Module builder.

    1. Added popup for fast-enable modules for Users:
      Settings - General - Modules - "Users" icon near each module (click on Icon).

    2. Added new "Opening" option: "Redirect" for module type "External html".
      Now it is possible to create module and input link to any URL , for example "Settings".

  11. Configuration sync enhancements
    Enhanced logic for clear data when click "Delete all" in Configurations menu.

  12. Branding / Client portal
    Link in Invitation email, logo and MSP name branded in all emails.

6.3.0 - 11/7/2023

  1. Module builder feature
    Settings - General - "Modules" tab
    Ability to add custom modules using html embedded code or https links.

  2. Login with Google
    You can login via Google if you have registered using google email

  3. Copy Ticket link option
    Ability to fast copy Ticket URL in Tickets module

  4. Inline filtration for true/ false fields in Tickets
    Now it's easier to setup filters for Tickets

  5. Tickets module responsive view
    Page adaptation for tablet devices

  6. Design minor changes, bugs fixed.

6.2.0 - 10/21/2023

  1. Added "Status" filter for Contacts on report
    Now you can filter by Active / Inactive contacts. System saves filter value for new versions.

  2. Template "Assessment" page redesigned

    1. Added Assessment Filters

    2. Added ability to resize columns for Assessment items on Template

    3. New beautiful design

    4. Mas-maintenance for Template assessment Items

    5. "Plus" icons for fast adding items on Template

  3. Halo PSA Integration Streamline
    Added shortcuts to fast create objects in PSA and links to open object in PSA

  4. ConnectWise Tickets Integration Streamline
    Bugs fixed

  5. Desktop view icons visibility changes
    Most icons are shown only on hover now

  6. Login Refinements
    Fixed styles for standard elements for all pages (login, MFA code, Reset Password, Confirm email)

  7. Halo PSA Contacts Integration
    Integration Contacts from Halo PSA.

6.1.0 - 9/24/2023

  1. Tickets integration with ConnectWise
    Tickets Module shows live tickets from CW. It's totally flexible and has the ability to filter, group, search and add notes to tickets.
    The Tickets tab is shown in the Companies module for companies mapped with CW.

  2. Kaseya Manage integration
    New PSA integration syncs Companies and Configurations.
    Installation Instructions here.

  3. Resizable tables in Report. Separate width settings for Build, Display and Presentation.

    Added ability to resize columns. The system saves column width within the template independently for every mode.

  4. "Column settings" option on the Assessment part, build mode
    Now you can change template column setting without leaving the report page.

  5. Login with Microsoft
    If you already have an account in SO, then you can login fast using Office 365.

  6. Add a new repot based on a template
    Toggle "Carry over data from report" added to "Add report" form.

  7. Undo / repo on Edit template items
    Keyboard combination "Ctrl + Z" is supported now.

  8. Load default widgets option
    Option helps to load main widgets to your Template or Strategy module.

  9. Widgets' drilldowns optimized

    Only main columns are chosen by default.

  10. Add company streamline
    "Status" and "Primary site name" are filled in with default data.

  11. Syncro PSA Contacts sync
    Contacts syncs from Syncro now and are shown in reports.

  12. Drag and Delete icons on hover
    Icons are shown only on hover now.

  13. Report design standardizations
    Report header redesign - more clean page layout for mobile devices and tablets.
    Parts design standardized in build mode.

  14. Text editor enhancements
    More options for text formatting in a mini-popup.

  15. Tables standardization
    Design changes for all tables.
    Ability to resize and sort for all tables.

  16. "Force sync" backend improvements
    Better sync logic, fewer errors in case of sync conflicts.

6.0.0 - 9/3/2023

  1. Halo PSA Integration v1
    Halo PSA Integration (Types, Company statuses, Companies, Sites, Assets).

  2. Syncro PSA Integration v1
    Syncro PSA Integration (Company statuses, Companies, Sites, Assets).

  3. Custom Domain
    Custom domain launched allowing you to setup a custom domain for the app with a branded login page

  4. Custom Email
    Custom email launched allowing emails from the system to be branded

  5. Refinements

    1. Budget sum - erase white spaces before and after sum.

    2. Add company streamline - setup default status and create main primary site.

    3. Text editor enhancements.

  6. Design enhancements

    1. Tables standardization

    2. New login wallpaper

    3. Responsive resolution changes (iphone bookmark icon, bugs fixes)

    4. Roadmap design changes

5.5.0 - 8/8/2023

  1. Custom Domain/Email
    Custom domain and email (beta, limited access to feature).

  2. Autotask Assets
    Autotask integration streamlining and notes

  3. Autotask Contacts
    Autotask Contacts sync.

  4. Company Type Changes
    "Company type" not mandatory for company.

  5. Design Changes

    1. Design standardization for tables

    2. Roadmap design enhancements

  6. Warranty Service Logs
    Detailed Warranty Service logs (list of updated assets).

5.4.0 - 7/25/2023

  1. Responsive
    Responsive design for App

  2. Autotask Streamlining
    Autotask Integration Streamlining

  3. Overview Part Refinements
    Overview design streamlining

  4. Log changes
    Added time in Logs

  5. Favorite Companies
    Favorites section in Strategy module

  6. Design Changes
    Design standardization for font sizes in titles

  7. Connectwise Tickets
    Tickets form ConnectWise (beta, limited access to feature)

5.3.0 - 7/1/2023

  1. Autotask Integration
    Autotask Integration launched into public beta

  2. Market field changes
    "Markets" field not mandatory for company.

5.2.0 - 6/20/2023

  1. Branding settings

    1. Change App name.

    2. Change primary brand color.

    3. Change App logo.

  2. Reduce number of reports shown
    "Show more" option for Report list has been added.

  3. New Companies List Design
    Redesign Companies list in Strategy module.

  4. Row Highlighting
    Highlight active row has been added to all tables.

5.1.0 - 5/26/2023

  1. Widget Drill Down
    "Drill down" option for widget on click (first beta version of the feature).

  2. Manual group/item changes
    Add manual item / Add manual group - fields order has been changed .

  3. Click out to save
    System saves all forms on a click out now (if all required fields are filled in).

  4. New Notification System
    Enhanced notification system for errors and success messages.

  5. Warranty for all
    Warranty service now available for all clients starting from Backer plan.

  6. Mobile UI
    A bunch of changes to use app from mobile devices and tablets:

    1. Widgets are now editable from mobile devices / tablets.

    2. Login and registration page for mobile devices / tablets.

    3. System opens all forms (popups) in full width for mobile devices / tablets.

    4. Display mode adjusted for mobile devices / tablets.

5.0.0 - 5/14/2023

  1. Warranty Updating
    Added Warranty Updates service for Lenovo and Dell Assets (Beta version, available only for some clients).

  2. Changes for PSA Integrations logic

    Prohibited editing of the mapped objects in Strategy Overview (sync priority is on PSA side, so this improvement will help to not lose the data)

  3. Integrations list

    1. Implemented notifications system, so in case of Integration issues user will see warning icon with link to logs instead of error.

    2. Improved sync logic (if one entity fails during the sync, the whole sync keeps running).

    3. Changes in "Add integration" form (preparation for new Integrations coming soon).

  4. UI enhancements for report

    1. Width of columns on "view item" form for completed reports.

    2. Added "info" signs to explain Presentation / Display settings options (Report - button "Report settings" - checkboxes at the bottom of the form).

  5. Improvements for Widgets engine

    Better layout for Asset chart, fixed bug with "Undefined" category.

  6. Changes for "Add report" option

    Advanced logic for "migrate report" option, ability to migrate text parts and custom parts content.

  7. Enhancements for "copy template" option

    New template will be added to user permissions when copy template by manager.

4.10.0 - 4/14/2023

  1. PSA integration changes

    1. We now allow duplicates for Site Names if they come from PSA to streamline the sync process.

    2. The user can skip steps with Markets, Types and Statuses mapping during the initial ConnectWise Integration Setup. The system will map and include only the entities related to mapped companies in the scheduled sync.

    3. UI changes have been made to the logs - users can now see the full error message text in case of data issues with the integrated system.

  2. Total redesign for Budget and Roadmap part
    The budget and roadmap section has undergone a total redesign to make the report look cleaner and more compact. The page breaks logic for print mode has also been improved.

  3. Changes for widgets

    1. The snapshot mechanism for widgets has been changed. We now store widget values for completed/archived reports in the database.

    2. We have removed bottom bars from widgets, so they have more room and the Overview part looks cleaner.

    3. We have also added the ability to set up what information users want to see inside the Info widget.

    4. Users can now use the operator "Contains" for widgets color rules (for assets chart values).

    5. The scale for the progress chart widget is now always the same, making it easier to compare data for different clients.

    6. Health level numbers have been added to the stack radar widget.

  4. Added option "Default open part" for template parts settings

    So user can specify what part must be opened first in a build mode.

  5. Changes for assessment part

    1. Allowed keyboard input in "Year" field for assessment and asset item, so now user can plan budget not only for future 5 years but also for more distant perspective.

    2. Added tooltips for Assessment columns (near column names). User can see description for this column from template on hover.

  6. Changes for schedule module

    Zero values (unfilled draft reports) are excluded from Total Average health shown at the bottom of the Schedule module.

  7. Contacts part changes

    1. Ability to sort contacts in report.

    2. UI little bugs fixed.

  8. Added new commands for Cover Page
    Commands are moved under text editor fast options, so user can click the command (selects from the dropdown) instead of typing command from keyboard (or copy/paste).

  9. Edit companies form was moved under Companies menu

    Click Company - Company tab

  10. Bugs fixed

    1. removed ability to add Item groups duplicates in a template assessment settings.

    2. fixed issues with blank pages in Print mode.

    3. timezone bug with date shift
      and others.

4.9.0 - 3/3/2023

  1. Text Editor New Options
    Added new options inside text editor

  2. Part Source
    Added part source (current / template) to current report part settings

  3. Connectwise Shortcut
    Added option "Add contact in CW" to a contact part

  4. External Parts
    UI refinements for fields on the edit part forms for "External embed" and "External content" part types (bigger size, fast copy option)

  5. Contacts Excel Export
    Added option "Export to excel" for Contacts part

  6. Connectwise Integration Streamlining
    Streamlined adding contacts while adding new companies to Integration mapping

4.8.0 - 01/24/2023

  1. Contacts from ConnectWise Manage.

    1. Integration settings to map contacts (ability to sync custom fields and setup conditions to sync).

    2. Ability to connect Contacts with a template.

    3. Column settings form to setup columns, width, change labels for report.

    4. Contacts on report - Display/ Presentation mode. Sorting, grouping.

  2. Added new widget type - Count Managed contacts (Available from Strategy, Company Overview and Report).

  3. Widgets enhancements:

    new UI library, report progress chart redesign, assets chart redesign.

  4. Added "Duplicate template" option.

4.7.0 - 11/30/2022

  1. Undo/Redo
    Added Undo/Redo Keyboard Commands for Assessment and Assets Parts

  2. Schedule Totals
    Changes in the Schedule bottom line of Totals are made

  3. Text editor changes
    The text editor stretches to full width for part type "text part" when internal notes checkbox unchecked.

  4. Bugs fixed

    1. print engine bugs (page breaks, blank pages, text separation)

    2. minor roadmap logic bugs.

    3. UI bugs.

4.6.0 - 11/09/2022

  1. New user streamlining
    Streamlined new user creation

  2. Roadmap/Budget design changes
    New design for Budget and Roadmap part

  3. Widget Enhancements
    Enhancements for Widgets engine and Widgets design

  4. Assessment Default Part
    Assessment part is now always opened first in build mode.

  5. Editing items in Presentation/Display
    The User can change the "Data" field from Display / Presentation mode using double click on it.

  6. Login Wallpaper
    New login wallpaper.

  7. Budget Totals
    Added Totals to budget quarters

4.5.0 - 11/03/2022

  1. Strategy Widgets
    Widgets under Strategy module.

  2. Colors rules on widgets
    Possibility to add color rules on Widgets.

  3. Connectwise Integration Streamlining
    Streamlined the process of adding new companies and their configurations under CW Integration

  4. New Widgets

    1. Company count

    2. Items count

  5. New Part Types

    1. Embed External content

    2. Cover page

4.4.0 - 10/02/2022

  1. Double Click to drag
    Double click on drag bar to collapse. System remembers the width of the Companies list on Strategy.

  2. New Parts Engine

    1. Custom text part

    2. Custom external content part

    3. Parts settings (mode checkboxes, drag and drop sort order, custom labels)

    4. Parts settings saving: apply to current report / Apply to All Drafts

  3. Widgets refinements

    1. Drag and drop, resize

    2. UI refinements

    3. New types of widgets

  4. Connectwise Sync Logic

    Improvements of sync logic with CW

  5. Design
    A lot of UI refinements across the app.

4.3.0 - 7/15/2022

  1. Design
    Smart reduction for Assets

4.2.0 - 7/8/2022

  1. Integrations streamlining
    Configurations delete logic

  2. Overview Engine
    Overview Engine launched to create widgets across the app

4.1.0 - 4/15/2022

  1. Integration Logs
    Logs for Integration, sync results report

  2. UI refinements

4.0.0 - 4/29/2022

  1. Advanced Template
    Advanced template to template migration functionality

  2. User for multiple reports
    Set user for multiple report creation

3.5.0 - 2/23/2022

  1. Asset Notes
    Assets note now show up on assets

  2. Asset Excel
    Assets export to excel

  3. Dashboard
    Dashboard design enhancements

  4. Parts Engine Changes
    Parts order changing

3.4.0 - 10/25/2021

  1. Connectwise Manage Integration Launch

    1. Sync Company, company types, statuses, markets for future reporting power

    2. Sync configs

  2. Mass maintenance

    1. Companies

    2. Users

  3. Various enhancements throughout

3.3.0 - 7/15/2021

  1. Bug Fixes

  2. Connectwise Beta Integration

3.2.0 - 5/7/2021

  1. Company Sites
    You can now add different sites per company to budget by sites. (The upcoming Connectwise integration will use sites to allow you to budget configurations by sites for clients with many locations)

  2. Multi Market
    Ability to add multiple markets to companies allowing companies to get multiple vertical specific groups/items on reports.

  3. Mass Maintenance
    Ability to do mass maintenance on companies

  4. Template to Template Migration
    Ability to seed data on new report from a different template/company/report

  5. UI Refinements
    Lots of UI refinements

3.1.0 - 4/9/2021

  1. Territories reinvented into Groups
    Only one territory was allowed to be added per company. We renamed Territories as Groups and now companies can be part of multiple groups. Some examples of how to use groups now are: Group your clients by vCIO, Compliance Regulated Companies, geographic regions, etc. The will allow you to do really amazing reports and client analysis in our upcoming reports module!

  2. Schedule Refinements
    - Future dates now listed as light gray and
    - Added column counts
    - Ability to set primary user for templates in mass on Schedule module.

  3. New Executive Summary Editor
    We upgraded the executive summary editor to a new engine which will open up more opportunities for features in the future and smooth out the existing editor experience.

  4. Dashboard Refinements
    New UI styling adjustments

  5. Bugs Fixes
    Many bugs fixed. If you notice a bug is still present after 3.1 and 3.1.1 please report it.

  6. Multi Type
    Enabled ability to have multiple types in preparation for Connectwise Manage integration.

  7. UI Streamlining
    Many UI enhancements.

  8. Always on app updates/patches
    Enabled ability to release features while app is being used live.

  9. QA
    Major QA team and tools investments for escalation in development.

  10. Presentation Mode
    New presentation mode with ability to edit while you are presenting.

3.0.0 - 2/1/2021

After two years of planning and development, our new version is finally here!

  1. Totally New Platform
    The platform was entirely rewritten for long term growth and rapid agile development. There is not a single line of code that was reused from SO2. Due to the pandemic and the amount of work it did take far longer than we expected. Sorry about that. I know many people were waiting.

    Our beta was very short however... we have been using the app for two months in our MSP so its a very stable version. But there still may be small bugs. Please report them as you find them. We do have a very large list of tasks still being worked on this week and next. We did not want to delay launching any further so here is the new version!

  2. Recurring Items
    SO3 now allows for recurring items on templates. It is not enabled by default for accounts that came from SO2. Please go to Settings>Templates>Select your template>Assessment

  3. Manual Groups and Items
    You can finally add manual groups and items onto an individual client report that do not come from the template.

  4. New Dynamic Filters Site Wide
    Modify your view on the fly across the entire app to analyze your clients and stack like never before.

  5. New Executive Summary
    The new executive summary finally has styling! You will need to go into the template and apply styling to your default executive summary (Bold, numbered lists, etc) and then as you make all client reports once in SO3 you will need to style them once.

  6. Roadmap Revamped
    Standalone roadmap view with easy editing of just the items in the roadmap.

  7. New Budget
    A totally new 12 month budget view for professional budgeting for companies large and small.

  8. New Budget Date Management
    In SO2 we had Quarters and did not actually have years. In the new version Quarters have been transformed into individual months and "This Year/Next Year/Future" has been transformed to actual years.

  9. New Display Mode - No more save to PDF (Just print to PDF)
    The PDF mode was replaced with a new Display mode for easy virtual strategy meetings. Now if you want to export a PDF you need to print and "Save as PDF."

  10. New Draft and Completed Mode
    In the new version there are now "Draft" reports and "Completed Reports." Completed reports are disassociated from the template and cannot be edited. You can only have one draft at one time. Now draft reports show up as orange on the schedule until you mark them "Complete" after you finish a meeting with a client.

  11. New Dashboard
    The dashboard has been redesigned with a new views and filters.

  12. Schedule Mode
    The schedule report has been revamped with new filters and better logic.

  13. Column Settings
    There is an entirely new template engine. The column settings are designed for the best display view. Please be careful changing things because it will affect the way the reports display.

  14. Knowledgebase and Videos Updates Coming
    Right now the Knowledgebase is still setup for SO2. By the end of the week we will have the knowledgebase rewritten and in the next 2 weeks all our quickstart videos will be finalized and published.

  15. Adjust Zoom and Navigation
    The old app worked best at 90% zoom. If you log into the new app and your view is still stuck at 90%, change it in the browser to 100%.

  16. Small Laptops and iPads
    The app still doesn't work perfectly on smaller laptops or iPads. You can hide the navigation and companies list when editing the report. We will resolve this very soon. The app WILL work on iPads now!

  17. Free Onboarding!
    We are now offering free onboarding weekly. Please register here.

  18. New User Types
    We now have a new user class called "External Users". These are designed to give to your clients to access the system. They will not have any chat widget, Youtube videos and eventually you will be able to fully white list the app as your own custom client Strategy Center!

  19. New Template Engine
    Custom columns, custom grades and tags for groups and items for infinite customization.

  20. Customize Grades
    The new template allows you to edit and customize your grades. We dont use the Standard grade in our MSP so we deleted it. This is how we have our grades setup

2.13 - 3/5/2020

  1. PDF Customization
    You can now edit the page size, orientation, margins and font sizes for a more custom tailored report. The new recommended orientation is Landscape and all the recommended settings are under Settings > Templates > PDF Report Settings.

  2. Page Number
    You can now add the page number to the PDF parts. (You need to go into the template and enable it there and you will need to enable it on all Overviews once. Releases we make do not effect existing Overviews)

  3. All Currencies
    For our many international MSP allies, you can now use the app in any currency! Check it out under Settings > Localization.

  4. Hidden Groups
    Now if you hide all items under a group, the group itself will not print on a PDF. 

2.12 - 1/20/2020

  • Health Score in PDF Parts
    You can now pick and choose if you want to display the health score in them PDF or not

  • SO 3
    Development begins on new long term platform built on Angular

2.11- 1/16/2020

  1. Health Score
    New Health score feature added for each group, overview report, client, and global health allowing you to see which clients have the most aligned tech stacks and which are the least aligned.

  2. Health Score on TSM Schedule Report
    Health score added to TSM Schedule report

  3. Global health
    New global health score allowing you to see how healthy your entire client base is. 

  4. Clients sort
    New ability to sort clients by alphabetical order, grade or health score. 

  5. Persistent Filters
    Filters and sort are now persistent in the Overview module and will remember if you leave the page and come back

  6. Edit Template Item Improved
    Edit template item in overview now takes you back to the item you were editing

2.10 - 10/21/2019

  1. Back-end
    Major back-end rewrites of multiple sections to increase in speed and continued preparation for version 3.

  2. Default grade on items
    New default grade per item set to "Question." You can now set the default grade for items in the template. 

  3. Clear item button
    Adjusted styling for "Info" "Edit Template" buttons on items and added a new button "Clear item" allowing you to clear the entire item in an Overview instead of having to clear out each column.

  4. Default prepared by
    The "Prepared by" field will now be filled out from the user creating the report by default. (It can still be changed manually after.)

  5. CSS
    New CSS styling upgrades site wide (Ongoing)

  6. Dashboard filters
    New filters added under Dashboard for Territories and Markets

  7. Double click to open
    Added ability to double click to open Users, Territories, Markets, Types, Companies and Template items instead of having to select and press the edit button!

  8. Add Company button
    Added a "Add Company" button to below the Company list to be able to add companies without having to go into settings. 

  9. PDF Parts
    Added PDF Parts as a first step at PDF engine rewrite. Now you can select which parts of the Overview you want to feature on the PDF. 

  10. Internal Notes
    Added "Notes" field next to the "Executive Summary" for notes the MSP can now store in the system. Notes will not print on the PDF and are internal only. 

  11. Clear MFA
    Ability for Admins and Managers to clear MFA for other users in case they lose their phones and get locked out. (Admins can only clear MFA for other admins. We recommend having two admins per account if possible.)

  12. Japanese Yen
    Added Japanese Yen to currency options for our Japanese MSP friends. 

  13. International date format
    Added yyyy/mm/dd date format for our international MSP friends.

  14. Other
    Many other refinements app wide.

2.9 - 10/4/2019

  1. Default Executive Summary
    New default executive summary feature (You can now set a default summary at the template level and all new clients get the same executive summary base structure)

  2. New Structure
    New tabs for Overview (This will allow you to edit executive summary in full screen and creates the structure for new features)

  3. Add Company Button
    Add company button on Overview

  4. Design

    1. CSS changes to make app fit better

    2. Speed improvements

2.8 - 8/1/2019

  • Backend changes and bug fixes

2.7 - 1/29/2019

  • Multiple bug fixes

2.6 - 1/26/2019

  1. Multiple bug fixes

  2. New login wallpaper

2.5 - 1/25/2019

  1. New Overview Format
    New Overview format. No more drop downs. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to grade every item by 50%. 

  2. Edit Template Item in Assessment
    You can now edit the Template for each item right from the Overview screen! You can evolve your template on the fly!

  3. Design
    Lots of CSS refinements and display bug fixes. 

  4. Advanced View
    Advance View options for the dashboard detail views. To access click the little menu icon next to each column to customize your view!

2.4 - 12/10/2018

  1. MFA
    Multi factor authentication added for Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator

  2. New Icon
    Added "In Progress" and "Info" icon

  3. Assessment Legend
    Revised legend on PDF

2.3 - 11/13/2018

  1. Schedule Module
    New Schedule module created to set goals how many times you want to meet with clients and track how often you meet. 

  2. Stripe Billing Integration
    Stripe billing integration rewrite (Update credit card, view invoice history, etc)

  3. New Grade Options
    New grade options on report for items (Gold star, Blue question, Hidden)

2.2 - 10/10/2018


  • Default page load changed from dashboard to Overview

  • Improved slow dashboard loading

  • Fixed lots of bugs on overview editing and PDF creation. 

  • Increased character limit on status and other fields to 700

  • Added Status and Solution columns to Roadmap/Budget page on PDF

  • Ability to hide left company list and turn Overview into full screen

  • Added Rand currency for our South African partners

2.1 - 6/16/2018

  • Vastly expanded the database in the background in preparation for multi user mode. Most changes under the hood.

  • Fixed many minor buggies

  • Continued CSS rewrite and progress on improvements on small monitors

  • Big improvement to the way you can fill out the report by always being able to reference template text and also the ability to type in an expandable text area!

  • International Localization settings allowing you to set the currency symbol, date format and time zone!

2.0 - 4/29/2018

New Platform
We recreated our original proof of concept/beta version in .NET and Bootstrap. Welcome to Strategy Overview 2.0!

  • It's now written in Microsoft's .NET Core 2.0, one of the fastest and most responsive Microsoft frameworks. We also use Bootstrap 4.0 for the layout and stylization.

  • All Strategy Overview beta and v1 tenants have had their data migrated into the new platform. This includes all reports, templates, companies, territories, markets and users.

  • A major part of our rewrite was in revamping the user interface. This was done to simplify the experience even more and to prepare for additional module releases in the future.

  • If you've had a Strategy Overview account from before the overhaul, please clear your browsers' cache to prevent any glitches. For example, you might see missing elements in your report. Press Shift and F5 to clear your cache.
    Out with the old, in with the new!

New UI
A few things of note regarding the UI revamp:

  • When creating reports, the Grade drop down menu no longer shows icons. It shows the grades in correctly color coded text. However, when you choose a grade, the correct icon appears in the report.

  • Item and Group numbers were lame, weren't they? Now, you can drag and drop Items and Groups to your hearts' content!

  • For Excel templates, the Group and Item numbers are still in play and will work as they did previously. You can drag and drop the Groups and Items in your templates once uploaded into Strategy Overview with the Excel uploader.

Template Compatibility
All previously created Strategy Overview, Technology Overview and Technology Checkup templates along with your own custom templates will remain compatible within the new system. We hope you enjoy Strategy Overview 2.0!

1.8 - 2/5/2018

  • Template Importer
    Upgraded template importer. Now you can import a template on top of template and any field that was changed will update the template allowing for easy mass updating

1.7 - 1/21/2018

  • Intercom
    Intercom launched! New Knowledge base! New Messenger for Support! New way to communicate with the vCIO community!

  • Knowledgebase
    Updated all documentation in new knowledgebase

  • HTG
    HTG Silver Sponsorship announced for 2018! 

1.6 - 1/8/2018

  • Roadmap/budget yearly script created under settings. To run once on January 1st to move "Next year" items to the "Current year"

  • Fixed several small bugs

  • Many backend adjustments

  • Removed report limits for all accounts

  • Ability to preload fully filled out reports for new accounts. 

  • Added prospects flag under company types. Prospects dont show up in dashboard forecasts.

1.5 - 1/2/2018

  • Live saving per line for overview

  • Live saving in template creation

  • Deleted items in template dont carry over now

  • Dropdowns for add company items

  • Sort by template in overview navigation

  • Name of report next to date in overview

  • Add "Where did you hear about" for new account sign up

  • Many backed fixes

  • Template injection system added. Now you can upload a template on top of a template and have new items added

  • Ability to make 1 template default

  • Ability to put non numeric items in budget. "To be decided" as a budget item added

1.4 - 12/4/2017

  • Fixed ability to manually add categories and items outside of an excel template import

  • Backend tweaks

1.3 - 11/27/2017

  • Lots of backend improvements

  • Knowledgebase link added to top

  • Added more columns to detailed views on dashboard allowing you to see the status of your entire stack items

  • Fixed dashboard error requiring double click

  • Active tab color changes and little style tweaks

  • Preparation for new platform and version 2

1.2 - 11/21/2017

  • Billing integration

  • New accounts come preloaded with template

  • Template 1.9

 1.0 - 11/9/2017

  • Softlaunch version 1 released at IT Nation 2017 and released to HTG community

Beta - 5/1/2017

  • Beta launched into our MSP

Alpha - 10/1/2015

  • Initial proof of concept drawn in Powerpoint to convert existing assessment excel spreadsheet into a web app and internal development begins.

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